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İSCMP 2020 North Macedonia

İSCMP 2020 North Macedonia

Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to join IV. International ISCMP that will now take place from 7-10 October 2020.
The conference will be held at NB Hotel & SPA and University of Tetovo in Tetovo, North Macedonia.
The entry fees in the Congress are 100 (€) euros for Academicians and 30(€) euros for Students.
The deadline for registration / abstract submission is until 14 August 2020.
You also have the option to present your poster online.
Furthermore, reviewed papers will be published in Open ChemistryJournal (DE GRUYTER, impact factor 1.512) as a special edition.
Participation of non Turkish citizens in the last Joint Science Congress was more than 50% of the participants.

For reference you can check the Book of Abstract and Proceedings for the Joint Science Congress for Materials and Polymers held in Kosovo, in 2019 with E-ISBN: 978-605-5267-58-2.
We look forward to welcoming you in Tetovo in October 2020.
Kind regards,
Assoc. Prof. Ayhan ORAL
Assos. Prof. Arianit REKA
Chairpersons of ISCMP Organising Committee

16 Haziran 2020
İSCMP 2020 North Macedonia için yorumlar kapalı
281 kez görüntülendi